Payment Methods 


Dear customers,

As for now, you can choose from three ways of payment methods as below;

A) Manual Bank Transfer

BankName : CIMB Bank

AccountName : Syarikat Muda Osman Sdn Bhd

AccountNumber : 8603190375


1) After payment, please upload Bank Transfer slip details as requested --> upload receipt --> enter reference id --> submit 


2) Please upload Bank Transfer slip details as requested by going to "my account" --> click "order history" --> search order ref (order number) --> click  “order number” --> find "attachment"  --> click on "upload payment slip" to upload your payment slip --> enter "payment reference" --> submit

You will find the necessary details on the Bank Transfer slip from the ATM/CDM machine or online confirmation screen after payment.

After placing your order, you  have 48 hours to make payment and upload your Bank Transfer slip details to avoid your order being cancelled.

If you have access to online banking (CIMB Clicks, Maybank2U, Bank Islam, etc.), we strongly recommend using Online Banking (Direct Debit) for instant payment and processing. Please insert our email in the payment details in online banking.

B) Pay using PAYPAL

You can choose either to pay via your Paypal account or if you don't have any Paypal account, you can pay using your debit or credit card.

 After placing your order, you have 48 hours to make payment to avoid your order being cancelled.

C) Pay using MOLPAY


After placing your order, you have 48 hours to make payment to avoid your order being cancelled.